Learning to communicate God’s Word in a way that captures people’s attention and imparts principles for life change is quite an art. Even after years of hearing many excellent preachers and gaining much preaching experience myself in a variety of settings, I’m still learning.

Here is a list of the most helpful books I’ve read:

  1. Communicating for a Change – by Andy Stanley
  2. Preaching with Purpose – by J.E. Adams
  3. Biblical Preaching – by Haddon Robison
  4. How to Speak so Youth Will Listen – by Ken Davis

Rick Warren also has an excellent course called ‘Preaching to Change Lives’ which is on CD or DVD with an accompanying manual.

2 thoughts on “Best Preaching Books

  1. Thank you for sharing these excellent books by Godly authors on preaching Mark. We never do stop learning… 🙂 there’s always room for more because there is so much more of God to know. His Holy Spirit continues to teach us, even as we teach others… He is taking us from glory to glory and from strength to strength. Imagine all the angels in heaven… they never get bored by God’s preaching because each day is new in eternity, as it is here on earth, and God shows them new things each day, so that they cry “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!” in awe of God! 🙂
    God bless you and keep you strong in Him.
    Love in Christ, Marija

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