Australia’s Defining Traits


As a nation, there are traits that have defined Australia for decades, but as the times shift and trends emerge McCrindle Research takes a look at the extent to which these are still relevant in defining us today. 

1. The Lucky Country

Statistics show that Australia is doing better than ever when it comes to health, education, economic opportunities, and even political participation. 

The economy is on a steady increase, even despite a recent global economic crisis. Cash flow is increasing with the net disposable income for everyday Australians now $10,000 more than it was a decade ago. 

We value independence but in a community-minded way. As Aussies we recognise that individual achievement rarely occurs without a helping hand from others. After all we call this the lucky country—we don’t take the credit for it all ourselves. Despite our differences we know that when adversity strikes, whether in the form of personal tragedy, natural disasters or international conflict, there’ll usually be a fellow Aussie there to help out. It’s the tradition of the digger, the character of mateship, and it’s still the essence of the Australian community

Fast Facts

  • Compared to the unemployment rate of the US, UK and France, Australia’s unemployment rate is lowest at just 5.8
  • The EU, G20, OECD and USA have all experienced a recession during the last 7 years, whereby Australia has not
  • Over the last 10 years Australia’s life expectancy has increased by 2 years
  • Over the last 40 years our life expectancy has increased by 10 years

2. Big Australia

Australia’s population exceeded 23 million on 23 April 2013. Having doubled since 1966, this rise is fuelled by an increase in birth rate, life expectancy and migration. These factors have allowed Australia to grow at a rate of 1.7% per year, above the world average of 1.0%. Not only is Australia the fastest growing OECD nation, but its population is increasing faster than Indonesia, India, and Malaysia.

Fast Facts

  • Australia’s population is growing by 1.7% annually
  • Australia currently has a population of 23 million people, with an increase of 397,200 people
  • Natural increase accounts for 40% of growth, adding 154,500 people to the population
  • Net overseas migration accounts for 60% of the population increase, increasing Australia’s population by 228,000 people
  • Australia’s population density is 2.99 people per km2
  • Vertical communities – with record population growth comes increase densification, where we now live up and not out
  • Traditional detached homes vs housing approvals. More new homes in greater Sydney are medium density than detached homes

3. The Clever Country

The Top 5 industries 30 years ago were all industrial (mining, utilities, manufacturing, construction, and transport) whereas today there has been a shift to professional industries (Top 5 are mining, technical, IT, financial, and utilities). 

While once derogatorily referred to as the world’s quarry, it turns out that we are the clever country after all with more people than ever employed in science and technical roles. The Australian workforce has undergone significant structural change and we’ve moved from an industrial base to a knowledge base.

Fast Facts

  • The average years of schooling Australian’s engage in is 12 years
  • The number of patents granted by Australia annually is 17,877
  • 1 in 5 Baby Boomers, 1 in 4 generation X’s, 1 in 3 generation Y’s have a university degree and 1 in 2 generation Z’s will have a university degree

4. The Land of the Middle Class

Australia is the land of the fair go, where people are taken at face value and class and values based on where people are from or where they were educated don’t rate highly in interactions. Lifestyles are busy and our lives are complex but our culture is down-to-earth, and mainstream recreations are simple. Regardless of income or social status, there are rich pleasures offered in Australia, and these are all the more appreciated in times of rising living costs. 

It is a collaborative rather than individualistic culture and this teamwork, a mix of mateship and altruism, creates a context where neighbourhoods and communities are defined by diversity and connecting rather than class and hierarchies

Fast Facts

  • Australia’s median household income is $47,736. This is 2.6 times Spain’s average household income and 47 times the income of more than 30 other countries with household income below $1,100 (Spain’s is $18,531, Greece $15,823)
  • The average capital city house price in Australia is $2.5 million

5. The Small Business Nation

Australia has always been an entrepreneurial nation, with small business the backbone of the economy and the labour force. The Australian spirit of independence, a DIY attitude and the courage to give things a go are strongly demonstrated in these latest business statistics. The tough economic times and the terrain in which small business operates is having an impact, however, with only half (51%) of new business starts surviving 4 years in operation. For many Australians, the entrepreneurial dream is still alive but as demonstrated by the survival rates of new businesses, without better support, only a minority will achieve success.

Fast Facts

  • There are 2.1 million businesses in Australia
  • Just 39% are employing businesses
  • 69% of employing businesses are micro and have 1-4 employees, 6.2% are small (5-19 employees), 24.3% are medium (20-199 employees) while just 0.5% of businesses are large and employ over 200 employees
  • 50% of new businesses cease operation within 3.5 years of establishment
  • 1 in 10 cease operation every year

6. Land of the Long Weekend

Australians enjoy between 11 and 12 public holidays in addition to the 4 weeks annual leave for employees, which is more public holidays than many countries, and twice the annual leave of the average worker in the US. However Australians also work amongst the longest hours when compared to other developed nations and some of the most years of schooling. The “no worries” attitude is strong but it is more “no worries- we’ll sort it out” rather than “no worries- she’ll be right”. The “can-do” culture balances the “long weekend” mindset to shape a people who enjoy time off and know how to holiday- but work hard to earn the break.

Fast Facts

  • Australians enjoy 11 to 12 public holidays a year
  • Full time workers receive 4 weeks annual leave
  • On average, Australians work 38 hours per week, (41.0 for males and 35.8 for females)

7. The Tryanny of Distance

While Australia is warmly referred to as the land down under, the isolation and distance that the term once communicated is not the case today. While Australia is geographically a long way from the UK, it’s historical and population links with the “old country” remain strong. More importantly, it is closely located to the new epicentre of economic growth in Asia. Australia is a regional hub for many multinational organisations with operations in Asia, and is in its own right a globally connected, business influencer, cultural exporter and regional leader. The cultural cringe has given way to sophistication, cultural diversity and global influence.

Fast Facts

  • Australia’s region of Asia is home to 60% of the global population and the fastest growing nations on earth
  • China, India, Vietnam and the Philippines are all in the top 7 birth countries of Australians born overseas
  • In a 12 month time period Australia chaired the UN Security Council, hosted the G20 and will host the Cricket World Cup

For more on the facts and figures of Australia, be sure to check out the Australia Street Video Animation and Infographic (see below).



Should We Move Australia Day?


On Monday, the 26 of January, we celebrate 'Australia Day' – the official national day of Australia. I love Australia. I have travelled to around 30 countries in my short time on earth and I love different cultures and places … but there is no place like home. 

Amidst the fireworks and BBQs we remember the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales in 1788. That was when Governor Arthur Phillip raised the flag of Great Britain at that site. We can celebrate and be grateful for this beautiful nation we live in and at the same time understand how some people may not feel like celebrating on this particular day. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, it isn’t a day of celebration. Instead, this day reminds them of how their way of life was invaded and changed forever. For others, it is Survival Day, and a celebration of the survival of people and culture, and the continuous contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to Australia. This weekend, before 26 January, in the spirit of love and reconciliation, let us recognise these differences and reflect on how we can create a day all Australians can celebrate. 

My good friend, Rob Buckingham, has written a thought-provoking BLOG post called Let's Move Australia Day. Check it out. If you agree, why not sign the petition to the Australian government.

Let us pray for our nation, for unity and reconciliation, and for a future that is established in understanding and compassion. Let's also continue to pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon our nation … that we might be a light to all the nations of the earth.

[See also: Australia's Defining Traits]

Christ’s Christmas Gift – Peace


Today is Christmas and people all around the world will be giving and receiving gifts of all kinds.

Jesus offers us a gift today – something incredibly valuable that he alone can give.

John 14:27. I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. NLT

I pray that you will experience that deep and genuine peace in your heart and life today, no matter what circumstance you might find yourself in.

Essence: What is Most Important?


It is important in every aspect of life to understand what is essential/central and what is peripheral/unessential. Only by knowing what is essential can you truly make sense of life and live it to the full. As we begin a New Year, we step into the future. As we do so, we want to ask an ancient and foundational question: "What is most important?"

As Christians following Jesus, we need to get back to the essence of our faith. In doing so, we can surround these essential parts of our faith with all other aspects of life. While we are making New Year’s resolutions we want to make an internal revolution. We make resolutions according to what we value and consider important.

During January at CityLife Church, we will be looking at the essence of our faith and asking how we can get back to the basics better in 2015. Often we don’t need a new idea or plan; we just need to stay faithful at the original idea and plan found in Jesus. Journey with us as we discover the essence of life, faith and community. 

Essence (definition): the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features.

1 Corinthians 13:13. Three things will last forever — faith, hope, and love — and the greatest of these is love. NLT

1 John 5:11. This is the testimony in essence: God gave us eternal life; the life is in his Son. So, whoever has the Son, has life; whoever rejects the Son, rejects life. MB

Matthew 22:37-40. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments. NLT

Dealing with Grief at Christmas Time

UnknownChristmas is a joyful time for most people. But for some it can be a difficult time, especially for those who have lost a loved one. Christmas reminds them of what or who is gone. The pain of that grief can be quite unbearable.

I had my first major encounter with grief when I lost my mother suddenly back in 1990. I had to navigate through all the ordinary stages of grief and it wasn't easy. The first Christmas after this was a painful time. Mum wasn't there any more and she wasn't coming back.

Let's be sensitive this year to those around us who may be in pain or grief. They may not be experiencing the joy and sense of celebration that we are. Reach out to them in love and compassion.

Prominent American church pastor, Rick Warren, and his wife Kay, experienced the unexpected death of their son Matthew not long ago. Kay recently wrote as article "Stop Sending Cheery Christmas Cards". Well worth reading and well worth heeding.



Christmas JOY


Luke was a doctor who lived in the first century. Like most doctors, Luke valued facts and obtaining accurate information. That's why he spent so much time interviewing people and talking to eye-witnesses when he prepared to write his Gospel record of the life of Jesus Christ. Let's read some of the Christmas story as he recalls it for us …

That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased." Luke 2:8-14. NLT

Here are these shepherds out in the fields minding their own business when suddenly an unidentified dazzling object appears in front of them. It's an angel and the shepherds are terrified! The angel's opening words are, "Don't be afraid". I'm sure the shepherds were thinking, "You've just scared the living daylights out of us and you'll telling us not to be afraid!"

Anyway, once everything had calmed down, the angel delivered his message: "I bring you good news of great joy for all people …" The Christmas message is just that – good news of great joy for all people. 

JOY is a major theme of the Christmas story and that's something we all need. I've never met a person whose aim in life was to be sad, depressed and grumpy. Ask the average person on the street what they want out of life and most of them will say something like, "I want to be happy!" We all long for joy.

Interestingly, we look for JOY in many different places:

  • Some of us look for joy in stuff – in things. There is an entire advertising industry designed to make us dissatisfied with what we have now and to make us believe that if we buy what they are selling we will know true joy. Kids are getting pretty exicted about opening those Christmas presents next week. That will bring great joy! But most parents know that in a week or so, many of those same toys will be lying around and the joy will have diminished, at least a little.
  • Some of us look for joy in pleasure – fun. Maybe it's going to a movie, visiting a sports game, or that big Christmas meal. Oh, the great joy of that delicious roast turkey and pavlova. But in an hour or so, for many that great joy will have turned into great pain as we suffer the consequences of eating just a little to much!
  • Some of us look for joy in achievement – acquiring that job, getting that promotion, or winning that game. But within a year or so, the joy of those achievements often fade.

Joy is quite elusive. It's hard to find and even when we do, it's hard to hold on to. 

Interestingly, all of these sources of joy are external. They require some coniditon or circumstance outside of us in order for us to be happy. But Christmas brings us a JOY that is not based on certain circumstances. It is found in a person – Jesus, the Saviour and Lord of the world. Paradoxically, when we receive Him we can know joy even in the midst of challenge, adversity or pain. 

So this Christmas, I pray that you will make room in your life to receive joy – the joy that is in Jesus. 

I also pray that you will choose joy and then keeping choosing joy every day of your life. Joy can so easily be stolen away – by irritations, worries, anger, or the offences of other people. Always ask, "Is this worth losing my joy over?" More often than not, it isn't.

Be grateful, be hopeful, be worshipful and be joyful. Then spread that joy to others … this Christmas.

Quotes about JOY

"Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God." Teilhard de Chardin

"Joy is a byproduct of life with God. Joy is not found by seeking it as an end in itself. It must be given by God. Joy comes with God's presence.” Tremper Longman III

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day." Henri Nouwen

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Halloween – Trick or Treat?


I remember attending my first Halloween party as a kid (not long after our family moved to the USA back in the 1970s), with its eerily lit pumpkins, freaky dress-up costumes and the scary dark room we were all dared to navigate ourselves through, kind of like a pseudo-haunted house. It was a lot of fun. And it was hosted by our local church!

My, how times have changed. Christians today either continue to celebrate it as an innocent annual party or boycott it as evil and even demonic. Why the debate?

Halloween (literally "hallowed or holy evening") originated as a pagan festival that followers of Christ 'Christianised' (as an occasion to remember the saints, martyrs and all departed believers) that has become more pagan in our own times.

For two very different opinions about Halloween, read:

1. "Six Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Halloween" by Dr.Ciaran O-Keefe and

2. "Six Reasons Why I Believe Halloween is Far From Harmless" by Canon J John.

No doubt we need to talk about it as followers of Christ. I encourage you to read the article links above  (and below) and discuss Halloween with your family and friends. 

What will you do tonight? Kids will be dropping by your home with their "Trick or Treat" greetings. You could pull the shutters down and shoo them away with a bit of a relational Wall OR maybe you could become the best lolly house in your street and offer local community people a warm Welcome? Think of the bigger picture - Halloween will come and go but our neighbours will still be there tomorrow. Remember, our call is not only to stand for truth but to show grace and love to people. That's good news. 

Other Links:

Indigenous Awareness Trip (October 2013)

IMG_1627In October 2013, my wife and I participated with a number of other church pastors in an Indigenous Awareness Trip, sponsored by the Concilia organisation. 

We began by flying from Melbourne to Alice Springs. It was my first visit to this iconic Australian town. It was not as big as I thought it would be – only 28,000 people. It was 41 degrees when we arrived – a very warm welcome. We began by visiting a number of the 20 Aboriginal camps around the town. Aboriginal people make up about 20% of the local population. We also visited some of the work of Mission Australia. Needless to say, it was quite confronting to see the challenges being faced by Indigenous people in this area. 

The next day, we took a 3 hour chartered flight north to a little town called Kalkarindji. Population - 450 people. Temperature – 43 degrees! We visited a Baptist church there led by Bill and Pauline. God has been at work in this small community. They had baptised 250 people a few months earlier.

After this, we spent some time in a number of other Aboriginal Christian churches and training centres in Brisbane, Logan City and Tweed Heads. 

The entire trip was an educational and moving experience. I realised how ignorant I was and how little I knew about my own country's history. Many stereotypes had been shattered. The needs are huge … and they are right on our doorstep. It's hard work. These are very hot and isolated communities. The cultural differences are huge. There needs to be a lot of listening and learning.

The United Nations estimates that there are around 300 million indigenous people around the world today. They have a disturbingly similar experience of being swept aside by immigrant majorities, primarily through Western colonisation. Their close relationship to the land has been misunderstood, they have experienced the gradual dispossession of their land (through trickery, broken treaties, and violence), their culture has been decimated resulting in general despair and an ongoing struggle for identity in the midst of an overwhelming immigrant culture. As a result, Indigenous people are often the most socially disadvantaged (when it comes to unemployment, alcoholism, violence and abuse) and marginalised people in their own country. All of this is true in regards to Indigenous Australians.

Should this matter to us? Should we be concerned?

I believe it should!

When speaking to the religious leaders of his day (the Pharisees), Jesus commended them for their pedantic tithing (they even gave a tenth of their spices!) but challenged them not to neglect the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy, faith-fulness (Matthew 23:23). This was nothing new. Jesus was affirming the age-old prophetic tradition that called God's people to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8).

For Jesus, the 'good news of the kingdom' was not merely about individual salvation (going to heaven when you die) but about the coming of God's rule right here right now. It was and is about God setting things 'right'. His followers, the church, are to be the visible demonstration of God's Kingdom on earth. That means we are to be instruments of justice and mercy. Justice trumps spice!

Moving beyond good intentions requires us to practice justice. This begins with awareness – having our eyes and ears open to the cries of our world. Being 'salt and light' in our world requires a proactive stance. The opposite of good is not always evil; often it is indifference. Jesus saw the multitudes then acted on the compassion he felt. The next step is to allow what we see to influence the choices we make. Knowledge doesn't change the world; action does. It's a call to pray, give, get involved, and lobby. Social action (providing help for those who have fallen off the cliff)  and social justice (challenging structures and systems by building fences at the top of the cliff) are both important. 

Over the last few years at CityLife Church, we have lifted our focus on justice through addressing current issues such as human trafficking, poverty, and consumerism. This year, we are looking at issues facing indigenous Australians. 

Please check out Australians Together.

Let's embrace a deep respect for all people made in the image of God. 

Let's value building relationships over solutions by well-meaning white people

Let's increase our awareness and understanding.

Let's be compassionate.

[Picture: cooking up some kangaroo tail for dinner in Alice Springs]

Les Miserables


Two weeks ago, my family and I attended the Les Miserables stage production at Her Majesty’s Theatre in Melbourne. It is one of our favourite productions. We have watched the 25th annviersary edition DVD recorded at the London O2 arena a dozen or so times and it never fails to move us (the finale, which is a 30 minute standing ovation and encore that brought the 1985 cast on-stage, is worth the price of the DVD). The Australian cast did an outstanding job too.

The story, based on the book by Victor Hugo, is so redemptive and it captures and portrays so vividly the full range of human emotion: betrayal, anger, grief, disappointment, as well as forgiveness, love and transformation. A great quote: "to love another person is to see the face of God."

Australian Christian Book of the Year 2014

The shortlist for Australian Christian Book of the Year 2014 has been released.

Join us at the 2014 SparkLit awards event.

Come and celebrate the power of words with Simon Smart of the Centre for Public Christianity and performance poet Jessica Santosa

The 2014 Australian Christian Book of the Year, Young Australian Christian Writer and Teen Writer awards will be announced and prizes presented during supper at 7:30 pm for an 8:00 pm start on Thursday 14 August 2014

Join the finalists at St Alfred’s Anglican Church, Blackburn North, Victoria, corner of Springfield Road and Koonung Road. 

$20 per guest. $60 per family. 

Buy tickets online or grab your credit card and call 1300 13 7725 or write to:

You can follow the Australian Christian Literature Awards on Facebook

For more information contact:

Michael Collie
National Director
(Formerly SPCKA)

1300 137 725

Visit today.

100th Anniversary of World War 1


The first week of August 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I and the formal commencement of the Anzac Centenary. 

The war was one of the most destructive events in history, with almost all the countries of the world involved and affected. 

The Veteran's Affairs Brnach of the State Government are encouraging all places of worship in Victoria to participate in the commemoration, between Saturday 2 August and Tuesday 5 August, in order to: 

  • Remind their congregations of the impact of the war; 
  • Respect and honour all of those who fought and served in the war, and all conflicts since, especially Australian veterans; and 
  • Remember the service and support of all those who were not combatants but served in other ways – including medical and technical staff, chaplains and families at home. 

For more infomration, contact Alison Fraser (039651 32121, More information on the Anzac Centenary can be found online.

Mother’s Day


This coming Sunday is Mother's Day.

I realise that this can be a difficult day for some people. Maybe your mother passed away recently, or you don’t have a good relationship with your mum, or maybe you always wanted to become a mum and it hasn’t happened. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

It is, however, a good time to honour all of the mums. They are amazing people. 

Both Nicole and I lost our mothers a few years back now (Joyce Conner and Renata or 'Oma' Meyer). That's a good reminder to all of us to love them while we can.

Have you ever thought about a mother's job? Check out this humorous video clip showing 24 people being interviewed for an impossible job paying nothing. Then find out who does this everyday.

Happy mother's day 🙂

Jesus is ALIVE! (Easter 2014)

Easter is here again and with it a holiday weekend, chocolate eggs and enough shopping sales to tempt any credit-card carrying buyer. What’s it really all about? All around the world, around two billion Christians will take time this weekend to reflect on and give thanks for the work that Jesus Christ accomplished through his death, burial and resurrection. That’s the real meaning of Easter. Followers of Christ believe that Jesus is ALIVE!

The Living Jesus

In his excellent book The Living Jesus, New Testament scholar Luke Timothy Johnson notes that whether a person is dead or alive really matters – not only to the person but also to other people relating to that person. If someone is dead, you can still learn about them and their influence may continue to live on but their life is complete. There are no new actions being done or new words being spoken, only echoes from the past. We can talk about who they “were” but no longer who they “are”. However, when someone is alive, the situation is completely different. New data is coming in. We can have a conversation with them and as a result our knowledge of them grows and changes.

The most important question concerning Jesus is this: “Do you think he is dead or alive?” 

If Jesus is dead, then there are a number of ways we can relate to his life and accomplishments. We can study the “historical Jesus” and learn about him but we cannot learn from him anymore. If Jesus is alive, however, everything changes. We are not just relating to a memory but to a living person who we can continue to learn from.

There is no middle ground between dead and alive. If Jesus is dead, his story is completed. If he is alive, then his story continues. To be a Christian means to assert that Jesus is alive. Christian faith begins with the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:14). To pray to Jesus is to address a real, living person who is capable of answering us and manifesting his presence. To declare “Jesus is Lord” is not only a statement of belief in a certain reality but a declaration of how we live our lives in relation to the living Jesus (Romans 10:9).

Evidence for the Resurrection

Critics of Christianity try to explain away the resurrection of Jesus as mere myth. Some say Jesus never really died, suggested he merely fainted then later revived in the tomb (the swoon theory). This is highly unlikely, as nobody survived death by crucifixion and the Roman soldiers declared Jesus dead.  Even if he did, imagine the condition Jesus would have been in – one that would have attracted pity from his disciples not faith to launch a worldwide movement.  

Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is found in the empty tomb (Jesus’ enemies would have loved to have produced a body if they could) and the numerous post-resurrection appearances to his disciples (to over 500 people who were still alive at the time of their testimony – see 1 Corinthians 15:1-3). Sir Lionel Luckhoo, the most successful attorney of all time, said this after investigating the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ: "I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt."

The best explanation of the rapidly growing Christian movement is the resurrection of Jesus. How else could a small group of marginal people grow with such power and impact as to eventually overcome the might of the Roman Empire without something supernatural bringing about transformation to their personal lives? A living Jesus is the most sensible explanation. 

Experiencing Jesus Today

Where can Jesus be known and experienced today? There are a number of ways:

  • The Scriptures, especially the New Testament writings, speak to us about the person of Jesus, revealing his values, priorities and mission. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The written Word reveals the Living Word to us. 
  • The Holy Spirit can choose to reveal Jesus to any person seeking Him. No one can say that “Jesus is Lord” without the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3). Ask the Holy Spirit to show Jesus to you.  
  • Jesus himself said that he would be uniquely present amongst the community of believers (Matthew 18:20). The church is the body of the risen Jesus. As we gather, Jesus is there in unique and profound ways. Jesus is manifest in the church at worship, in prayer, and through the sacraments of communion and baptism.
  • We can see and encounter Jesus in the lives of those who have been changed by His presence and power. Followers of Jesus become his “letter”, to be read by all people (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). There is no greater witness to the reality of Jesus than a transformed life.
  • When we minister to the “little ones” (Mark 9:36-37), the poor, the needy (Mark 9:41) and the outcast in Jesus’ name, He says we are ministering to Him (Matthew 25:40, 42). We can find and experience Jesus in the ones we serve in love.

One of Jesus’ last promises was that he would be “with us” until the end when he returns (Matthew 28:20). Jesus is Emmanuel = “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). We don’t lack his presence. What we need is a greater awareness of his presence. Right here, right now, whether we feel like it or not, Jesus is present. He is alive – the Living One – who was and is and is to come!

Reflection Questions

  1. Think about the first time you heard about Jesus. What were your thoughts, feelings or impressions about him?
  2. Compare your relationships with two family members OR two influential people in your life – one who has passed away and one who is still alive. How are these relationships different?
  3. When did Jesus first seem real or alive to you?
  4. The apostle Paul tells us that we are all “called to be saints” (Romans 1:7. 1Corinthians 1:2), which means to be transformed into the image or likeness of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). In doing so, we become examples for other people to imitate and we literally can show Jesus to them. Think about some people in your life who you saw Jesus in. In other words, their life was a display of the living Jesus at work.
  5. Saul learned that in persecuting followers of Christ he was persecuting Jesus (read Acts 9:3-6). Jesus tells us that in serving those in need, we are serving him. Consider the reality of the fact that we encounter the living Jesus in other people.
  6. Read Matthew 28:20 slowly. In what ways can we live our lives with a greater awareness and faith in the living Jesus? How can we do life with him each day?

Advent: Lighting the Fourth Candle – Our Waiting is Over!

FinalChristmas Eve or Christmas Day

[Re-light the three purple candles and the pink candle]

We Celebrate the Birth of Christ

In the season of Advent we have used the Advent wreath and its candles to help us get ready for this great celebration of the birth of Christ.

When we lit the first purple candle, we asked God to come and be our Good Shepherd. God our Shepherd has come in Jesus Christ!

When we lit the second purple candle, we asked God to come and forgive our sins. God has come in Jesus Christ to take our sins and die upon the cross so that we might be forgiven!

When we lit the third, pink candle, we felt joyful even in our longing for Christ to come. Christ, who has been born in a manger, will come again in glory to wipe away every tear from our eyes!

When we lit the fourth candle, we remembered that Christ would come as a son – the son of Mary, the Son of David, and the Son of God! This Son has been born! He is Immanuel – God with us!

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus who forgives our sins, Jesus who will come again, Jesus the son of Mary, the Son of David, and the very Son of God!

Prayer for God’s Help

Dear God, as we light the center candle today, may we celebrate with full joy the birth of your Son, Jesus the Christ. Amen!

Scripture Readings

Micah 5:1-5

God promises through the prophet Micah that his future rule will come from Bethlehem, even though this town is, indeed, a “little town” and quite insignificant.

Luke 2:1-20

Jesus the Messiah is born in Bethlehem!

Psalm 145

Let us join the psalmist in offering praise to God for his mighty works!

Lighting of the Candle

[As someone lights the center, white candle, the following should be read or paraphrased.]

We light this candle with great joy and celebration, because Christ is born in Bethlehem. God’s Son has come into the world to be our Savior! And he will come again in glory.

Prayer of Joy and Adoration

Dear God, as we light this candle, we rejoice in the birth of your Son. May we worship him, welcome him, and make room for him in our hearts. O come, let us adore him! Amen!

Closing Song

O come let us adore him,
O come let us adore him,
O come let us adore him,
Christ the Lord!

[Source – Patheos Blog and Dr. Mark Roberts]

Advent: Lighting the Christ Candle – Waiting for the Son

ChristThe Fourth Sunday of Advent (or thereabouts)

[Re-light two purple candles and the pink candle.]

We Remember the Meaning of Advent

Advent is a word that means “coming” or “visit.” In the Christian season of Advent, we prepare for the “advent” of Christ at Christmas. Our preparation includes many things:

• We remember Israel’s hope for the coming of God’s Messiah to save, to forgive, and to restore.

• We remember our hope for the second coming of Jesus.

• We remember our need for a Savior to save us from our sins.

• We prepare to welcome Christ at Christmas into our world . . . and into our hearts.

By lighting one candle each week of Advent, we help ourselves to get ready for the birth of Jesus. So far we have lit three candles. The first reminded us to wait for God our Shepherd. With the second we asked the Lord to come and forgive our sins. The third, pink, candle signified our joy as we wait.

Today we focus on the coming of the Son – the son of Mary, the Son of God!

Prayer for God’s Help

Dear God, thank you for this season of Advent that helps us to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. As we read the Bible and light a candle, may excitement for Christ’s coming burn in our hearts. Amen.

Scripture Readings

Psalm 89:1-4, 19-37, 46-52

This psalm celebrates God’s covenant with David and with the descendants of David. He even calls God “my Father” (vs. 26). But the psalmist composed this psalm at a time when God’s blessing upon Israel seemed very far away. He calls upon the Lord to remember his covenant to David.

Isaiah 9:1-7

Deliverance will come for God’s people through the “son” who is given to them. He will sit on the throne of David and his kingdom will last forever.

Luke 1:26-38

The angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she is pregnant and will give birth to a son. Her son will also be “the Son of the Most High” and will sit on the throne of David. He will be the reigning Son of David and the divine Son of God!

Lighting of the Candle

[As someone lights the final purple candle, the following should be read or paraphrased.]

We light this candle because we look forward with eagerness to the birth of a child, the son of Mary and the Son of God! The purple color reminds us of how serious we are in looking forward to the Son’s birth.

Prayer of Hope

Dear God, as we light this candle, we look ahead with hope to the birth of your Son — the Son of David, the son of Mary. May we be prepared to welcome him with open arms and open hearts. O come now, Son of David! Amen!

Closing Song

[To be sung to the tune of "O come let us adore him" from "O Come All Ye Faithful."]

O come now, Son of David,
O come now, Son of David,
O come now, Son of David,
Christ the Lord!

[Source – Patheos Blog and Dr. Mark Roberts]