Einstein Looking for a great gift for a book-loving friend? Looking for some short interesting books for your own reading?

A while back I was given a few cool little books called 'Coffee with …' (there are 14 books in the series so far). Each book is a fictional dramatic dialogue with a well-known person based on biographical facts. They are written by experts on that particular person. It's a fun way to have a relaxed chat with some amazing people and get inside their world a little.

This week I read 'Coffee with Plato', 'Coffee with Michelangelo', and 'Coffee with Einstein'. Hey, I even understand the theory of relativity a little bit better! 🙂

For a literary review, click here.

Maybe one day someone will do something similar with significant Bible characters or influential Christians throughout history. That would be great!

5 thoughts on “Coffee with …

  1. Not sure if there’s one for Christian characters but I’ve always been a fan of Ravi Zacharias’s “Great Conversations” series. They are also a set of fictional dialogues. Here are a few:
    The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha
    New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna
    The Lamb and the Fuhrer : Jesus Talks With Hitler

  2. Good tip, Amit. I have heard of those but never read them. Sounds like a great idea. I will check them out.

  3. One of the books I read as an early Christian was “The Christ Commission” by Og Mandino where his main character is transported back to 6 years after the crucifixion and as an investigative journalist gets to interview all the disciples who are still in Jerusalem at the time. Although highly fictional, the background research into what Jerusalem was like at the time and how each of the disciples would present their case based on both biblical and extra biblical information is excellent. It really put me back there with the character amongst the dust and roman soldiers.

  4. Hi Mark,
    Francine Rivers has written stories based on bible characters. I bought ‘Sons of Encouragement’ which is based on Aaron – The Priest; Caleb – The Warrior; Jonathan – The Prince; Amos – The Prophet; and Silas – The Scribe. I am a very slow reader and am still on Aaron but it has been very interesting reading.
    Just thought you and others would like to know it is available. They also come as individual books which make great gifts.

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