Unknown-10 Last weekend at CityLife Church, we began a series of messages called Ancient Practices. We are re-discovering some of the practices that disciples of Jesus have engaged throughout the centuries in order to become like their master. Our primary resources are the stories about Jesus and his life on earth as recorded in the Gospels. We can also learn much from other followers of Christ and how they lived out their faith, as recorded in the rest of the New Testament.

Here are some modern-day Christian leaders and authors who have thought deeply about discipleship and spiritual formation who I would highly recommend:

1. Dallas Willard. Dallas is one of the foremost thinkers and writers on Christian spirituality today. Highly recommended would be: The Spirit of the DisciplinesThe Divine Conspiracy, and The Great Omission. Click here to see a list of Willard's books, all of which are excellent. 

2. Richard J. Foster. Foster's book The Celebration of Discipline is a classic. Click here to see all of Foster's books.

3. The Ancient Practices series edited by Phillis Tickle and published by Thomas Nelson. We have gleaned many insights for our series from these resources.

3. James Ryan Smith. Smith's apprentice series is excellent: The Good and Beautiful God, The Good and Beautiful Life and The Good and Beautiful Community. Also, check out Renovare.  

4. Robert E Coleman. Coleman's books The Master Plan of Evangelism and The Master Plan of Discipleship are outstanding. 

I hope that you find these resources helpful. 

One thought on “Resources for Spiritual Formation

  1. I really appreciate the ‘recommended reading’ that you post here, thank you.
    Bookstores paralyze me with options these days. 🙂
    I give up and pray in the store for some help. Ha
    His timing in bringing these Ancient practice teachings to me, is as per usual, done humourously with ‘swiss watch’ precision.
    Having been a practicing Kadampa buddhist for many years and struggling with the path of ‘belief’ presented to me through my acceptance of Jesus, I was frustrated thinking ‘I don’t understand how this all works.’ & ‘how much of what I believe do I really believe.’ I felt like a fraud. This made me uncomfortable around other members of the church, friendly as they are, I couldn’t help but think ‘Are they for real, or just better fakes than me.’
    He provides as we need, my needs have been met with this series of teachings.
    I’m a practical man, I needed a practice.
    I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do it, it’s learned.
    All glory to Him. Thanks Mark.
    regards – Dale

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