Hi friends. Welcome to this week’s edition of Soul Food.
Did you know that we tend to over-estimate what we can do in one month but we under-estimate what we can accomplish in three months?
There’s something unique about a 90 day period of time.
Entire books and articles have been written about ‘the first 90 days’ for new leaders, as well as for planning your life.
Some people think 90 day goals are better than year long goals. After all, 12 months is a long way away but 90 days is far enough away but but still within reach.
Today is the the 31st March. It’s the last day of the first quarter of this year. Yes, believe it or not, three months of this year are already history.
Now is a good time to pause and review how the first quarter of the year has gone for you.
So how have the last 90 days gone for you?
In this series of Soul Food, our theme has been Life Think – taking time to think about our life. We’ve looked at knowing Your Why, thinking about the Many Hats we wear, considering our Next Steps, and taking a weekly Time Out. We looked at Endings, Beginnings, and those awkward In-Between times, and reflected on the concepts of Halftime and Parallel Careers.
Now is a good time to stop and think about how this year has started for you. It’s only been one quarter but are things unfolding as you intended? What has gone well? Celebrate that. What didn’t go so well? Don’t get down on yourself. See what you can learn from those experiences.
Most importantly, set your sights on the next 90 days. What’s the plan? Where are you heading? Where would you like to be when the middle of the year arrives?
90 days – I hope your next 90 days are filled with joy and many meaningful moments as you continue to think about your life.
Let’s summarise our main points:
- We often over-estimate what we can do in one month but we under-estimate what we can accomplish in three months.
- Take some time now to review the first quarter of this year.
- Plan your next 90 days so you invest your time and energy in what really matters to you.
That’s our final episode in this series on Life Think. Soul Food will be taking a break till mid-year. See you next time as we begin a brand new series of Soul Food with Mark Conner.
You can watch the 2-minute video of this episode on the Soul Food with Mark Conner YouTube Channel.