Should We Move Australia Day?


On Monday, the 26 of January, we celebrate 'Australia Day' – the official national day of Australia. I love Australia. I have travelled to around 30 countries in my short time on earth and I love different cultures and places … but there is no place like home. 

Amidst the fireworks and BBQs we remember the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales in 1788. That was when Governor Arthur Phillip raised the flag of Great Britain at that site. We can celebrate and be grateful for this beautiful nation we live in and at the same time understand how some people may not feel like celebrating on this particular day. For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, it isn’t a day of celebration. Instead, this day reminds them of how their way of life was invaded and changed forever. For others, it is Survival Day, and a celebration of the survival of people and culture, and the continuous contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to Australia. This weekend, before 26 January, in the spirit of love and reconciliation, let us recognise these differences and reflect on how we can create a day all Australians can celebrate. 

My good friend, Rob Buckingham, has written a thought-provoking BLOG post called Let's Move Australia Day. Check it out. If you agree, why not sign the petition to the Australian government.

Let us pray for our nation, for unity and reconciliation, and for a future that is established in understanding and compassion. Let's also continue to pray for God to pour out His Spirit upon our nation … that we might be a light to all the nations of the earth.

[See also: Australia's Defining Traits]

Asylum Seeker Treatment: A Response from Prime Minister Tony Abbott

A few weeks back I wrote a letter to the Australian Prime Minister expressing concern about how children are being treated in detention centres.

This last week I received a response from him and I post it here.


Tony Abott Letter (Nov 2014)

It feels like a "everyone has a right to their opinion but we're going to do what we want to do regardless" response. He has totally ignored my concern. I will be writing him back again. 

Christianity, Christmas and Consumerism


As we head towards the crazy Christmas season, it's a good thing to pause and think about consumerism and the follower of Christ.

At CityLife, we have a social justice LifeGroup and they have put together a paper designed to be a thought provoking series of questions and comments exploring some key issues which confront us in our Western, first world culture. We hope that it can be used to start discussion and to promote action in your family, your LifeGroup, your social network and your work colleagues!

1. On the Issue of “Stuff”

When is enough, enough? Or we could ask ourselves what would Jesus buy?

Thought Spot:

Jonathon Comford, in his article – Daily Bread: The Economy of Enough in the Bible – in Tear magazine, TARGET, posed the question:

 “How much money do you need to be happy? The answer is: About 20% more than you currently earn.

 At least that is what people think will make them happy. Research in the US has shown that people think that with an extra 20% in their pockets they could finally be content.”

The Pressure to Consume

We live in a high growth world where companies must make more profit year on year to meet shareholders’ expectations.  How do they do that?  By constantly marketing to us to BUY!  Upgrade!  It will make you skinnier!  It’s the latest and greatest!  If we are not careful we end up buying excessively, and over-consuming. Our rubbish bins are filled with stale leftovers, broken/outdated electronics and packaging wastes. Charity bins are littered with old toys and clothes. Our wardrobe is stuffed with clothes and yet we stare at it and say, “I have nothing to wear… I need new clothes!” Or have you observed the proliferation of “Storage Units” e.g. Fort Knox, Storage King? We now have so much stuff that we can no longer store it all in our homes and so we actually lease more storage space!

Packaging gives premium impressions and creates more value for its contents. We, humans, like the look and feel of ‘expensive’ packaging because it means the extra money paid was worth it. The growth in waste is placing continually increasing demands on waste management and disposal. Approximately 37% of landfill is filled with biodegradable waste, e.g. food waste, paper, cardboard, green waste, textiles and wood.

Quotes on Consumerism:

"The great danger in today's world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor."

"Let us be 'protectors' of creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment."  Pope Francis I (2013), Evangelii Gaudium 

Thought, Discussion and Action Spot:

• How do your possessions end up owning you? 

 “The problem is not consuming to live but living to consume.” Skye Jethani

• Are you working harder, longer hours, working for a pay rise just to pay off your possessions?

 “It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else that prevents us from living freely and nobly.”

Henry David Thoreau.

•  Where could we learn to recycle and reuse, or buy second-hand or pass around?  E.g. Share items of infrequent use with family and friends – things like ski gear, camping gear, luggage, baby items (i.e. is a non-profit movement of people who are giving (and receiving) items for free in their own towns – reusing things and keeping stuff out of landfills! (

2. On the Issue of Who Makes all that “Stuff”?

How can we be ethical consumers?  Everything we buy has a start and an end called a supply chain. How do our purchases affect others and the environment?  This is not a new consideration – James challenged his readers in the first century: James 5:1-7 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

How can we be responsible consumers when the supply chain is far from obvious? There are organisations that are willing to help us navigate through the sea of choices e.g. Fairtrade Australia and Shop Ethical

Thought, Discussion and Action Spot:

• Do we “hoard wealth”?

• Do we live “in luxury and self-indulgence”?

We can feel overwhelmed by the myriad of choices facing us. Our shop shelves are stacked with duplicate products that have been made overseas in less than ideal conditions – possibly by people, many are children, who are trapped in abusive situations as modern day slaves

• Do we consider who has manufactured the product we are buying?

•  Have they received a fair wage?

3. On the Issue of the Consumer Mindset and its Impact on our Christian Faith.

A potential consequence of consumerism is the danger of simply adding “Christianity” to our lives as another product worthy of consumption.  Is our focus “How can Christianity serve me and my needs?” rather than “How can Christ in me serve my neighbour?”

Thought spot:

“But in consumerism the customer is king, not Jesus. As a result Christianity becomes just one more brand we integrate and display along with Gap, Apple, and Starbucks to express our identity. So Christians no longer carry an expectation of obedience and allegiance to Christ, but rather the perpetual consumption of Christian merchandise and experiences—music, books, t-shirts, conferences, and jewellery. And rather than living out the values and ethics of the Kingdom of God, we share the values of our consumer culture while our identity as Christians remains a veneer”.  Skye Jethani

Paul challenges us in his letter to Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Also Jesus, John and Paul, all warned of the dangers of loving the world and conforming to the world’s values.

Matthew 19:21-26 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[a] is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The life that Jesus promises is not a life filled with material abundance, however, He promises never to leave us or forsake us. Luke 9:23-25 Then He said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?

Thought, Discussion and Action Spot:

In light of the Scriptures, it is sobering for us to consider:

• Do we place God first in our lives?

• How much of our time is spent concentrating on satisfying our many personal desires?

• Do we resume to consumerism as we exit the church?

• Do we challenge ourselves to give/tithe like we challenge ourselves to build a bigger house?

• Do we compete to share or help?

4. Faith in Action

Paul speaks of being content in all circumstances – of course this contentment can only flow from a life surrendered to Jesus. In the following passages Paul encourages us to find our satisfaction, our contentment, in Christ and His purposes for our lives.

Philippians 4:11-13 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

1 Timothy 6:6-10 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Thought, Discussion and Action Spot:

• How can we be content in all circumstances?

• Do we need more than food and clothing to be content?

• Where is our treasure?

• What is our treasure?

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”


Don’t be overwhelmed – we can decide to change one purchase and when that purchase becomes routine, change another. Every ethical choice we make will impact the life of someone for their improved welfare.

Is the answer to live more simply – acquiring only that which is necessary to live well?  Of course the dilemma here is that what we perceive as being necessary is ever expanding – this is what drives consumerism. However, way back in the first century Jesus, John and Paul, all warned of the dangers of loving the world and conforming to the world’s values.

Final thoughts:

The challenge in today’s world is for us to discern how God would have us use our wealth i.e. time, energy and finances, to be His hands and feet, His voice, His body to impact this world for His Kingdom. We will need to resist the temptation to give in to advertiser’s demands to buy every new product that is available.  In order to do this we will need to transform the way we think, to turn this world’s values upside down and be willing to deny ourselves and to bless our neighbour, to consider the poor, to be generous with not just our money but our very selves.

In the lead up to Christmas each year, we are bombarded with messages about spending and messages about “giving” that are really about buying and consuming. How about this Christmas we challenge ourselves about how we can give meaningful gifts without excessive spending – things like serving, encouragement, affection, words, hugs, and our time… 

As the National Director of TEAR Australia, Matthew Maury, said:

We have the opportunity to find freedom and joy that is defined by Jesus, rather than trying to find meaning in the things we can buy.

Additional Resources:

1. Consumerism and Christian Ethics by Kenneth Himes 

2. TARGET “Treasure in Heaven” 


An Open Letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbot re Treatment of Asylum Seekers

Flag razor wireThe inhumane treatment of asylum seekers here in Australia is extremely concerning. Thankfully, more and more people are speaking up about it. All year, Christian leaders have been peacefully protesting and writing letters.
I encourage you to do the same. 
Here is a copy of an open letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott I recently sent:
Dear Prime Minister,

Subject: Treatment of Asylum Seekers and Children in Detention

I am the Senior Minister of CityLife Church, Melbourne. We are a community of over 9,000 members representing people from over 105 cultural backgrounds who make up our diverse and beautiful nation. On behalf of these members, I am writing to raise grave concerns about the current direction the government is taking in the treatment of asylum seekers, especially children in detention.

As a minister and follower of Jesus, I cannot stand idly by whilst children and adults, who have sought refuge and protection on our shores, are languishing in deplorable conditions in detention under Australia’s control. Numerous reports and investigations have clearly shown that detention centers have an incredibly negative effect on the mental and physical health of already traumatised individuals.

I am writing to ask whether you would act immediately to change the processes so that children and their families can be housed in community in Australia? I also ask that you would allow all asylum seekers to be processed onshore with minimal periods in detention.

I pray for you as the appointed Prime Minister of Australia and I appreciate that you hold a difficult position with many requests vying for your attention. However, I would consider the health and safety of any and all children, and the health and safety of all individuals seeking refuge, paramount and a priority for the government.

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Conner

The Exchange TV

Rob-christie-buckingham-exchange1Good friends of ours, Rob and Christie Buckingham (pastors of Bayside Church here in Melbourne), host The Exchange, an interactive TV program that engages with a variety of current issues, including parenting, technology, dealing with loss, the sexualisation of children, and domestic violence. 

The Exchange is like meeting with your friends in a coffee shop and discussing everyday stuff that affects us. It’s a half hour chat show that aims to share ideas on relationships, parenting, finance, wellbeing and social justice. Each week co-hosts Rob and Christie Buckingham invite guests around their table to get their take on a particular issue. The Exchange reporter Sandra Cavallo also hits the streets and finds out what the Australian public thinks.

The show is aired on Channel 31 and Foxtel's Australian Christian Channel. You can also watch episodes online. These can be a great tool and resource for small group discussion.

Worth checking out!

Halloween – Trick or Treat?


I remember attending my first Halloween party as a kid (not long after our family moved to the USA back in the 1970s), with its eerily lit pumpkins, freaky dress-up costumes and the scary dark room we were all dared to navigate ourselves through, kind of like a pseudo-haunted house. It was a lot of fun. And it was hosted by our local church!

My, how times have changed. Christians today either continue to celebrate it as an innocent annual party or boycott it as evil and even demonic. Why the debate?

Halloween (literally "hallowed or holy evening") originated as a pagan festival that followers of Christ 'Christianised' (as an occasion to remember the saints, martyrs and all departed believers) that has become more pagan in our own times.

For two very different opinions about Halloween, read:

1. "Six Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Halloween" by Dr.Ciaran O-Keefe and

2. "Six Reasons Why I Believe Halloween is Far From Harmless" by Canon J John.

No doubt we need to talk about it as followers of Christ. I encourage you to read the article links above  (and below) and discuss Halloween with your family and friends. 

What will you do tonight? Kids will be dropping by your home with their "Trick or Treat" greetings. You could pull the shutters down and shoo them away with a bit of a relational Wall OR maybe you could become the best lolly house in your street and offer local community people a warm Welcome? Think of the bigger picture - Halloween will come and go but our neighbours will still be there tomorrow. Remember, our call is not only to stand for truth but to show grace and love to people. That's good news. 

Other Links:

I Will Take a Walk on Saturday … for Welcome to Australia


Australia is marked with the beauty of diversity. People from many backgrounds, ethnicities and beliefs call this land home. Over the last several years I have had reservations about the treatment of asylum seekers, especially children in detention. The current harsh treatment of destitute people, seeking safety on our shores for a variety of reasons, does not reflect the beauty and depth of a society that embraces and celebrates diversity. There have been many reports about the detrimental impact of detention on the welfare of children and asylum seekers. As a follower of Jesus, and as a minister who believes that the church is called to exist as a faithful witness in the world, the abuse of children and the suffering of the destitute is not something I can stand and watch with indifference.

So on Saturday, 25 October, I will Walk Together with many other Australians across the nation to present a picture to our leaders and media that a different Australia is possible. Walk Together is an initiative of Welcome to Australia, which began as a conversation between a number of individuals and not-for-profit organisations who believed there needed to be a positive voice in the public conversation around asylum seeking, refugees and multiculturalism that was not politically aligned or focused on policy – but rather invited Australians to join us in dreaming of the Australia that could be. Adelaide pastor Brad Chilcott began to coordinate regular meetings of around a dozen representatives of these organisations in Adelaide, South Australia which lead to the initial 'Welcome Party' campaign in June 2011.

If you, like me, are concerned about the treatment of asylum seekers and children in detention, then consider taking a walk this Saturday. Details are available on the Welcome to Australia website.

For Further Reading: 

Indigenous Awareness Trip (October 2013)

IMG_1627In October 2013, my wife and I participated with a number of other church pastors in an Indigenous Awareness Trip, sponsored by the Concilia organisation. 

We began by flying from Melbourne to Alice Springs. It was my first visit to this iconic Australian town. It was not as big as I thought it would be – only 28,000 people. It was 41 degrees when we arrived – a very warm welcome. We began by visiting a number of the 20 Aboriginal camps around the town. Aboriginal people make up about 20% of the local population. We also visited some of the work of Mission Australia. Needless to say, it was quite confronting to see the challenges being faced by Indigenous people in this area. 

The next day, we took a 3 hour chartered flight north to a little town called Kalkarindji. Population - 450 people. Temperature – 43 degrees! We visited a Baptist church there led by Bill and Pauline. God has been at work in this small community. They had baptised 250 people a few months earlier.

After this, we spent some time in a number of other Aboriginal Christian churches and training centres in Brisbane, Logan City and Tweed Heads. 

The entire trip was an educational and moving experience. I realised how ignorant I was and how little I knew about my own country's history. Many stereotypes had been shattered. The needs are huge … and they are right on our doorstep. It's hard work. These are very hot and isolated communities. The cultural differences are huge. There needs to be a lot of listening and learning.

The United Nations estimates that there are around 300 million indigenous people around the world today. They have a disturbingly similar experience of being swept aside by immigrant majorities, primarily through Western colonisation. Their close relationship to the land has been misunderstood, they have experienced the gradual dispossession of their land (through trickery, broken treaties, and violence), their culture has been decimated resulting in general despair and an ongoing struggle for identity in the midst of an overwhelming immigrant culture. As a result, Indigenous people are often the most socially disadvantaged (when it comes to unemployment, alcoholism, violence and abuse) and marginalised people in their own country. All of this is true in regards to Indigenous Australians.

Should this matter to us? Should we be concerned?

I believe it should!

When speaking to the religious leaders of his day (the Pharisees), Jesus commended them for their pedantic tithing (they even gave a tenth of their spices!) but challenged them not to neglect the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy, faith-fulness (Matthew 23:23). This was nothing new. Jesus was affirming the age-old prophetic tradition that called God's people to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8).

For Jesus, the 'good news of the kingdom' was not merely about individual salvation (going to heaven when you die) but about the coming of God's rule right here right now. It was and is about God setting things 'right'. His followers, the church, are to be the visible demonstration of God's Kingdom on earth. That means we are to be instruments of justice and mercy. Justice trumps spice!

Moving beyond good intentions requires us to practice justice. This begins with awareness – having our eyes and ears open to the cries of our world. Being 'salt and light' in our world requires a proactive stance. The opposite of good is not always evil; often it is indifference. Jesus saw the multitudes then acted on the compassion he felt. The next step is to allow what we see to influence the choices we make. Knowledge doesn't change the world; action does. It's a call to pray, give, get involved, and lobby. Social action (providing help for those who have fallen off the cliff)  and social justice (challenging structures and systems by building fences at the top of the cliff) are both important. 

Over the last few years at CityLife Church, we have lifted our focus on justice through addressing current issues such as human trafficking, poverty, and consumerism. This year, we are looking at issues facing indigenous Australians. 

Please check out Australians Together.

Let's embrace a deep respect for all people made in the image of God. 

Let's value building relationships over solutions by well-meaning white people

Let's increase our awareness and understanding.

Let's be compassionate.

[Picture: cooking up some kangaroo tail for dinner in Alice Springs]

Australians Together


Australians Together is taking a fresh approach to building relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Their web site has some inspiring stories and helpful articles. Check it out.

This coming weekend at CityLife Church, I will be sharing some of our experiences on an indigenous awareness trip we did with some Australian pastors last year, sponsored by Concilia.

We will also be running the entire course on Saturday, 18th October. The course promotes the value of listening to Indigenous people and learning about our shared story so that we can live in respectful peer relationship with each other. In these sessions we will be watching ‘Sharing Our Story’, a 4 episode DVD series that explores how the events of our past continue to affect Indigenous people today. We're inviting you to join us on this journey to discover how we, as God’s people in Australia, can be part of writing a new chapter in this story; Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians together. Visit our church web site for more details and to register.

Let's continue to work together to bring justice and hope for all people across our great nation. 

See also:

Indigenous Awareness Trip. [NEW]

Max Conlon – Aboriginal Artist.

Don’t Say ‘Suicide’!

SaddddI am sure we all heard the tragic news of actor Robin Williams death this last week. It is so sad when a person gets to the place where they think that ending their life is a better option than living it.

Depression is a real challenge in our world today and many people battle with it. It is estimated that one in six Australians face depression at some time in their life. As a result, suicide is now the biggest killer of young Australians and accounts for the deaths of more young people than car accidents. 

If you are walking through what seems like a dark tunnel, please don’t say suicide. Talk to someone. Share what you are feeling and going through. There is hope. You can step out of the shadows and into the light.

Jesus said, "A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10 Message Bible)

Here are a few contact numbers that may be of help …  

  • CityLife Community Care
  • Lifeline (24hrs) 13 11 14
  • Suicide Helpline (24hrs) 1300 651 251. Crisis support for Victorians.

What do Protestants think of Pope Francis?

Pope-francis_2541160bA recent article from the Barna Group:

March 18, 2014 — He was the most talked-about person of 2013 and winner of TIME’s “Person of the Year” award. Google Translate coders have set his name to translate as “a better world.” Yet Pope Francis insists that he is “a normal person,” and has no desire to be “a superman or a star.”

Some religion columnists and commentators attribute the public’s esteem to his humble insistence that he is ordinary. In fact, humility may just be the pontiff’s paradoxical trademark. The Washington Postsummed it up in one headline: “Like Pope Francis? You’ll Love Jesus.” The Post is not alone in pointing out that the pope’s actions, words and demeanor are often reminiscent of the Jesus portrayed in the Gospels. Humility may be exactly the kind of “ordinary” Pope Francis hopes will become the norm among all of those who claim to follow Christ. 

It’s widely accepted that Catholics love the Holy Father, but what about people of other traditions? Some have called Francis a pope for Protestants or for Millennials, but what do these groups actually think of him? And if his influence is so far-reaching, what has been the impact of the so-called “Pope Effect,” one year into his papacy? 

A new study conducted in late February 2014 by Barna Group examines the impact of the new leader of the Catholic Church on the U.S. population, including the nearly half of Americans who identify as Protestants.

The World’s Most Well-Known Religious Leader
Just last March white smoke billowed above St. Peter’s Square and then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio became Pope Francis I, head of the Roman Catholic Church and leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. In a single year, Pope Francis has become the most well-known religious leader in ministry today. 

Of all U.S. adults surveyed, 62% say they are somewhat or very familiar with the pontiff. Not surprisingly, Catholics take the lead at 99%. Among practicing Protestants, 58% say they have a working familiarity with the pope. 

Second to Pope Francis is Billy Graham, the famed evangelist who has been in public ministry for 65 years. Sixty percent of adults say they are familiar with Rev. Graham. The third-most well-known religious leader is the Dalai Lama; just under half of all adults (49%) say are somewhat or very familiar with him.

Popularity, Power and Public Critique 
Familiarity is, of course, not the same as favorability—but Pope Francis receives positive marks among a majority of U.S. adults (54%). About one-quarter (26%) say their opinion of the pontiff is neutral, less than one in 10 (7%) view him unfavorably and 14% say they don’t know enough to have an opinion. More than half of all adults (54%) say Pope Francis is an improvement on his predecessor (among practicing Catholics, it’s a two-thirds majority). When asked to identify how well certain words describe the current pope, nearly nine out of 10 Americans say he is very or somewhat honest (87%), compassionate (88%) and intelligent (86%). 

Practicing Catholics take the lead in giving him high marks: an overwhelming 98% have a favorable view of the Holy Father. In contrast, just 45% of practicing Protestants express a very or somewhat favorable opinion, and among non-mainline Protestants even fewer have a favorable view (37%). 

On a generational scale, positive views of the pope increase among older adults. While only 41% of Millennials see him in a positive light, favorability is higher among Busters, also called Gen-Xers (51%), and Boomers (63%). The generation most favorable toward the pontiff is the cohort to which Pope Francis belongs: the Elders, two-thirds of whom view him favorably (66%). 

But what about dissenters? The largest demographic to express negative views is practicing non-mainline Protestants, one-quarter (26%) of whom feel somewhat or very unfavorable toward the pope. Specific critiques of Pope Francis range from descriptions of him as out of touch (22%) to the more serious allegation that he is corrupt (17%). While he has sometimes been cast as the pope for faith-jaded Millennials, young adults are notably skeptical about the pontiff’s integrity: 37% say he is somewhat or very corrupt, more than twice the national average. 

Adults are evenly split on whether Pope Francis—often billed by the media as progressive compared to former pontiffs—is too liberal (27%) or too conservative (27%) on social issues. Four in 10 adults (39%) believe the pope is too powerful. 

These critiques uncover some notable denominational and generational differences. For example, just 8% of practicing Catholics say the pope is either somewhat or very corrupt, while 22% of practicing Protestants say so. The leading groups to disapprove of the pope as too liberal include non-mainline Protestants (51%) and, perhaps surprisingly, Millennials (36%). On the opposite end of the spectrum, those most at odds with Pope Francis as being too conservative on social issues are also non-mainline Protestants (30%) and Millennials (38%).

Continue reading article …

Typhoon Haiyan

TyLet’s be in prayer for people in the Philippines recently affected by Typhoon Haiyan. Thankfully, many groups, including World Vision, are at work in the area. Pray for safety, food and water for all families in the region, for the quick set up of evacuation centres and child friendly spaces, for those who have lost loved ones, for relief workers, and for those affected that they would find comfort in this time of tragedy and grief. Let’s declare that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). 

A New Australian Prime Minister: Mr Tony Abbott

TonyCongratulations to Mr Tony Abbott who was elected today as the next prime Minister of Australia. He succeeded Mr Kevin Rudd, who will not contest the leadership of the Labor Party. This election campaign has been somewhat of a circus, but in the end the Australian population voted, and the Coalition has taken government, with a strong swign in their favour. Results for the Senate are yet to be finalised.

Regardless of how you voted and who you voted for, now is the time to get behind our new Prime Minister and his elected government, as we move forward as a nation. Those of us who are Christians should pray earnestly and consistently for whoever is in government, regardless of our like or dislike for them or their policies. God commands us to pray for those in leadership, because of the influence they have over our world (1 Tim.2:1-6).

As a follower of Christ, I believe that God is in control. He is sovereign over all matters on earth. Ultimately, his purpose will be accomplished. He puts one leader up and takes another down. He can put it into the hearts of people to do his will. We must trust him and honor him as the God over all the earth. Our lives are not subject to luck, fate or chance. We are in the providential hands of a loving, yet holy God.

A final thought … now that we have voted, our job is not over. There's a joke that goes like this: "What takes 2 minutes and last 3-4 years? Your vote!" That's very true. However, we need to do more than just cast our vote and then forget about it until the next election. A democracy is designed to be much more than just voting people into office and paying your taxes. We need to be actively participating with our politicians (whoever they may be) as key issues arise – and voice our opinions on important matters. After all, each politician is appointed to serve the people of our nation – which includes you and me.

"When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan." [Proverbs 29:2. NLT]

Religion and Politics is like Ice-Cream and Manure: They Don’t Mix (Jarrod McKenna)

JarrodHere is a very thought-provoking article about tomorrow's election, by my good friend, Jarrod McKenna.

"Mixing religion and politics is like mixing ice cream and manure. It doesn't do much to the manure but it sure does ruin the ice cream", my friend Tony Campolo likes to say.

Yet this election, like many before, there is an unpleasantly nutty taste and many politicians have their finger on the blender.

Don't get me wrong – as a Christian leader who has studied the Bible since I came to faith, it's clear that central to the Christian tradition is a story of how well faith leaders and politicians work together.

But what's strangely forgotten around election time is the important detail that faith leaders and politicians worked well together to organise the killing of Jesus.

Um, as you can imagine, no small concern for those of us who love Jesus.

In the election season many pollies are out on street corners showing off their "Christian" credentials. Yet I can think of a number of reasons why most pollies would want nothing to do with Jesus as he is described in the Bible.

1. No one would vote for Jesus.

Seriously. Firstly He's one of those boat people. Well, at least one of those "donkey people".

According to the second chapter of Matthew's Gospel his family were refugees who in the middle of the night had to flee and seek asylum.

He's also a Middle Eastern man. Oh, and he's not Christian. (Yep, he's Jewish) He was involved in repeated seditious civil-disobedience and the religious right of his day repeatedly accused him of partying too hard and with all the wrong people.

Politicians and religious leaders today still find it convenient to scapegoat, alienate and demonise all the people Jesus loved hanging out with.

He was so poor he was sometimes homeless, with no place to lay his head.

Given this, it's more than likely not only would we not vote for Jesus, both major parties would send him to Nauru or Papua New Guinea.

2. No one would vote for Christ's election platform.

So what were the policies Jesus and his party ran on, all the way to… uh, the cross?

Can you imagine a foreign policy based on "love your enemies"? A foreign aid budget based on "love your neighbour as yourself"?

What would happen to our military spending with Jesus' policy of "do not violently resist an evil person"?  

What if real action on our unprecedented and irreversible ecological crisis was animated by "God so loved the world…"?

Or an asylum seeker policy based on Jesus' words "Whatever you did to the least of these you did to me"? Talk about a bleeding heart! Jesus' teachings and his example would have many saying he's more out there than the Greens.

No wonder pollies and religious leaders were keen to knock him off.

Some (many of them Christian), will be quick to retort, "but Jarrod, we admire how you try to take Jesus seriously, but Christ taught a spiritual Gospel."

No doubt.

But the spirituality of the early church put Christ's "policies of love" into practice. Central to the early Christians living of Jesus' politics of grace was the belief that it had to be voluntary.

Receiving and living God's love could never be enforced on others because it would then cease being Jesus-like. Why? Well, surprisingly comedian Bill Maher sums it up well:

"Non violence was kinda Jesus' trademark. Kinda his big thing. To not follow that part of it is like joining Greenpeace and hating whales."

After the resurrection the early Christians organised their communities around the nonviolent-love seen at Calvary that they believed conquered death. Think that's ridiculous?

You're not alone. Many, Christians throughout history would agree with you. You don't have to be a church historian or know the names of Constantine, or Charlemagne, to know that much of Christian history looks nothing like Christ.

It might shock some to find out that in the first century the pagan emperor Caligula was getting it on with his horse, who incidentally he wanted to be part of the senate.

Yet the early Christians didn't form "The Palestinian Christian Lobby Against Equine Senators and Bestiality". They just rolled up their sleeves and got busy living God's love in the power of Spirit, especially amongst the poor.

What does all this mean for me, engaging in a democratic system in 2013?

Well, I'm not looking for salvation from getting in a cardboard box and ticking boxes once every three years or so.

This is not just a horrible understanding of faith, it's an anaemic way of deepening democracy. Voting is not my voice – letting my life speak is my voice.

Voting is just saying one thing in one place on one day. If that's democracy, we are all stuffed. So have your say, but don't silence yourself by outsourcing your power to politicians.

Regardless of the result come Sunday, I'm still going to daily seek to live the politics of God's love, especially for "the least of these".

So maybe some helpful things to remind Christian friends who are voting (instead of being fined):

1. Don't vote for yourself.

Use your vote for the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalised and the common good.

2. "Christian" doesn't equal "Christ-like".

Don't think voting for a party or politician calling themselves "Christian" equals "Christ-like". The KKK claim to be a Christian organisation. Awkward.

An easy question is: Who are seeking the common good, especially for "the least of these" in a way that looks like an approximation of love? (Yep, it's hard.)

3. This isn't America (know our preferential voting system).

Understand Australia's Westminster-federalist-preferential-voting-hybrid system enough to know you don't waste your vote when voting for a minor party. This short video is a helpful two minute run down.

4. Don't vote for parties or personalities – vote for policies.

This isn't football. Don't just choose a team. This isn't Australian Idol.

Don't just choose personalities. Find out about real polices that will help build the common good for the least fortunate. ABC's Vote Compass is the best tool I've seen to work out who best represents you on issues you care about. (You can even just click "neutral" on issues you don't care about and forward to ones you do).

5. Pray.

There's nothing like prayer to bring us to a humble place of clarity that sometimes the best we can do is "love our crooked neighbour with our crooked selves" as Dr. Cornel West likes to say. And talking humility…

6. Don't be a jerk.

Sunday, this is all over. You have mates and family who even when prioritising the common good, will think there's a different way to do it than you. So don't be a jerk. We need to work together and demonising those you disagree with isn't a sign you are right, it's just a sign you are being a jerk.

So may our ice-cream be sweet, and please God, let us grow something good for the most vulnerable out of this stinking manure.


Jarrod McKenna is a teaching pastor at Westcity Church, a national advisor for World Vision Australia, and lives at First Home Project with his wife Teresa, son Tyson and 14 refugees modelling welcome as an alternative to detention. This year alone his peace award winning social change work has engaged over 10,000 young people on 4 continents in 9 countries.  You’ll often hear him on the ABC’s Sunday Nights around Australia.

Federal Election Reflections

VoteOn Saturday, September 7th, Australia goes to the polls to vote and to choose their Prime Minister and who will govern them for this next season. As with any election, this is an important time in the life of our nation. This coming weekend, our church will pray for the election in all of our gatherings.  Our focus will be on four aspects:

First, we need to acknowledge that God is in control. He is sovereign over all matters on earth. Ultimately, his purpose will be accomplished. He puts one leader up and takes another down. He can put it into the hearts of people to do his will. We must trust him and honor him as the God over all the earth. Our lives are not subject to luck, fate or chance. We are in the providential hands of a loving, yet holy God.

Second, as citizens in a free democratic country, we need to take our responsibilities seriously. This includes the right to vote. All followers of Christ should do the due diligence and study the policies and values of each political candidate and political party. Unfortunately, it is usually a mixed bag and therefore priorities needs to be established and sometime compromises have to be made when making choices as to who to vote for.

Third, we want to encourage Christ-followers who have chosen to become involved in the political process and arena. We have numbers of people from our church community running as candidates for a variety of political parties who have a strong faith in Christ and who seek to use that for the common good of all. That is admirable. These people need our prayers and our support. 

Fourth, no matter what, we should pray earnestly and consistently for whoever is in government, regardless of our like or dislike for them or their policies. God commands us to pray for those in leadership, because of the influence they have over our world (1 Tim.2:1-6).

The good news is that when the federal election is over, Jesus will still be Lord and the kingdom of God will continue to advance on the earth.